Continuing Education | Presentation of the Target Prioritization Grid for the SDGs - Tounao Kiri


This presentation is part of the Continuing Education Day on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at the local level conducted by the Institute of Environment, Development, and Society (EDS), as part of the Transformative Approach to Integrating SDGs in Local Communities (DTI-SDG) project. Title: Introduction to the SDG Target Prioritization Grid Presenter: Kiri Tounao, Senior Coordinator - Institut de la Francophonie pour le développement durable (IFDD). The DTI-SDG project, led by the Institute of Environment, Development, and Society (EDS) at Laval University and funded by the Government of Canada, has engaged various partners from research and municipal sectors to contribute to understanding these issues. Following this project, a continuing education day was offered to all municipal officials, elected representatives, and professionals interested in implementing sustainable development at the municipal level. Are you involved in planning and implementing sustainable development in your role? Are you interested in the 17 Sustainable Development Goals promoted by the UN? This free training is for you. To explore the full training series in french : To learn more about the project in french : Subscribe to the newsletter :

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